How I Met Your Mother Quote List: Commitment & Friendship

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Love, chemistry, and universal connection were the themes of the first part of this series, featuring inspirational lines from Ted, Robin, and Lily. Let’s keep the How I Met Your Mother quote list going with some more from the gang.

Each and every person in HIMYM had a valuable life lesson for us all. Here are our favorites from Barney, Marshall and Tracy!



If it’s the right person, then it’s easy

Prior to Stuart and Claudia’s marriage, Stuart faces mixed feelings as he still doesn’t feel he’s the matrimonial type. Ted assures Stuart that these feelings are normal and that it’s no reason to delay or quit the marriage. But Marshall disagrees…

“Don’t get married. Being a couple is hard and committing, making sacrifices is hard. But if it’s the right person, then it’s easy. Looking at that girl and knowing she’s all you really want out of life, that should be the easiest thing in the world. And if she’s not like that, she’s not the one.”

– Marshall Eriksen

You can find Marshall giving Stuart this speech before his wedding in Season 1, Episode 12 (“The Wedding”).



Do you want to keep playing, or do you want to win

When Barney tries to pick up the mother a.k.a Tracy, he fails spectacularly. He then proceeds to receive an eye-opening psychoanalysis from her. This makes him share his experiences about Robin, and how he regrets not being committed with her. Tracy offers some wise words…

Tracy – “Do you want to keep playing, or do you want to win?”

Barney – “I want to win! What am I doing? In less than 20 minutes..”

Tracy – “Oh no no no.. it’s gonna take a lot more than 20 minutes. This is gonna take everything you have got. This is gonna take all of your time, all of your attention, all of your resources. This is the big one, diaper man.”

-Tracy McConnell

Check out this epic scene of Barney trying to hit on Tracy and instead getting some valuable life lessons in Season 9, Episode 9 (“Platonish”).


barney himym quote

It’s not legendary unless your friends are there to see it

Barney took a drunken late night walk only to discover his next protégés on the side of the road. Just before the end of the night, he gives tips on living life to Justin and Kyle.

“Teacup pigs are lady magnets but very hard to care for…not worth the effort. Same goes for dogs and babies.

Most importantly, whatever you do in this life, it’s not legendary unless your friends are there to see it.”

-Barney Stinson

This all took place the night before his wedding in Season 9, Episode 17 (“Sunrise”).

This wraps up parts 1 & 2 of our picks for the most inspirational quotes from these HIMYM. Each one of them had something different to teach us about life. Ted about love, Robin about chemistry, Lily about taking leaps, Marshall and Tracy about commitment, and Barney about friendship.

If you haven’t read Part 1, check it out here!